Tennessee Drops to Sixth in U-Haul's Annual Growth Rankings

Tennessee ranked sixth as a growth state in U-Haul's annual index, moving down from its No. 3 ranking a year ago. The index looks at one-way moves ...

January 12, 2023
6:02 AM

Tennessee ranked sixth as a growth state in U-Haul's annual index, moving down from its No. 3 ranking a year ago. The index looks at one-way moves using U-Haul from state to state. The 2022 numbers showed that move-ins dropped by 7% while one-way trucks out of South Carolina decreased 6%. People using U-Haul to move into the state accounted for 50.3% of all one-way U-Haul truck traffic in and out of Tennessee. Tennessee was No. 1 in the growth rankings in 2020. Texas and Florida topped the list while North Carolina was fourth and Virginia was fifth.

The Center Square